Monday, September 6, 2010

The Rocking Chair

When i thought of Chairs and movement i immediately thought of the old-fashioned rocking chair. I jumped onto the internet again and looked for some a little more recent designs of rocking chairs. This one i found made me laugh when the comment was posted underneath:

I purchased this excellent looking rocking chair. But when i went to pull of a 360 degree roll i was ejected and it ran me over. Then it tipped over on the thin side trapping me for 49 hours. I tried to attach a seat belt but to my dismay i spun 3/4 the way around but it choked me out luckily i had my handy duty scissors accompanieng me at my side pocket. I will never risk my life on this monstrosity ever again.

Im not sure who in this case is sillier, the designer to create such a strange and dangerous rocking chair, or the person who purchased it and actually thought that it was meant to rotate the entire 360 degrees. Either way i don't think this design will be of much of help.

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